Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Did Eve Have Sex With the Devil Or Did She Just Eat Some Fruit? - Part 2 - Cain and Abel

!: Did Eve Have Sex With the Devil Or Did She Just Eat Some Fruit? - Part 2 - Cain and Abel

OK, Genesis 4:1 what's going on here, because it makes no sense when we add in the evidence which I revealed in part one? I will therefore copy it here again:

Gen 4:1-2 And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD. 2 And she again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.

Now before I expound on the other writings let's look at the KJV first to see if we can make any sense of it: "And Adam knew Eve, his wife," hello, excuse me, Adam did what? Adam had already 'known' his wife in the garden, so how is it that after expulsion from the garden he is only now 'knowing' his wife as if for the first time? Notice, it doesn't say "And Adam knew Eve his wife again". Then it says she conceived and bare Cain and not only that but she says she has gotten a man from the Lord. We then have Eve conceiving and baring Abel, but with Adam having only known her once, so what's going on here!? We need to understand that Eve fell pregnant due to sinful, evil, promiscuous and lascivious sexual acts and then declares she has been blessed with a man from the Lord. How does that work then, does the Lord bless sin? We only have to recall what happened to King David's child through his illicit sexual shenanigans with Bathsheba to know that the Lord does not bless the fruits of the womb of Biblical characters when they misbehave. You can read the story in 2 Samuel 12 and in particular verse 15.

Make no mistake Eve's evil union with the Devil would, and could, only bring trouble, not only to her, but to Adam, and for all mankind in the future as well, culminating in the flood and the sinful post flood world, too. If we know the story, we will also know that the fruits of this event would be graphically displayed in the way in which Cain turns out i.e. what kind of a man he becomes. That being the case, what was Eve really saying when she said she had: "gotten a man from the Lord?" This KJV 'evidence' also raises another question, how did Eve come to the conclusion that Cain was a gift from the Lord. We know that Adam and Eve's sin in the garden was sexual in nature, because they covered themselves with aprons to hide their shame. This means that Eve must have had a good idea of whose child she was carrying in her womb. That being the case how did she come to the conclusion that it was a gift from the Lord. How does that make any sense? Furthermore, how did the translators of the KJV think they were going to get away with this nonsense - the nonsense of Eve's statement that she had gotten a man from the Lord? Was it a case that they thought she was completely naïve, I don't think so, because all they wanted to do was hide the truth that Cain was literally a son of the Devil. Why did they want to do that and what did they have to gain from such devious behaviour? All will be revealed as this series of articles develops!

Moreover, if we continue to accept the story line as written in the KJV, we then have to ask ourselves if Cain and Abel were twins, for it appears that Adam only 'knows' Eve once. So if Eve did have twins, could these twins have had different fathers - a phenomenon known in medical terms today as superfetation? Well, it has been known, and more often than we might at first think. A little Google search will soon reveal and confirm to you this anatomical phenomenon. Therefore, Cain and Abel could have been twins with the Devil as Cain's father, and Adam as Abel's father. The thing is, twins or not, it's the two seeds or seed lines that matter here, nothing else for this is the core of the matter. Now before we move on to the other writings, let's add another Holy Scripture here to help us unravel this mystery:

1 John 3:12 Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother's righteous.

Notice in this verse of John's letter we have Cain who was "of that wicked one". The word 'of' here in Strong's Concordance means 'origin', so Cain's "origins" are of the Devil which again points to him being the Devil's seed. I will return to this verse again, in part three of this series of articles, for there is much more Truth to be gleaned from it.

More evidence, too, is made plain through the genealogy of Adam in Genesis 5. Notice, you will not find Cain's name mentioned in that genealogy, why is that? Well, quite obviously, because Cain was not Adam's child. I will copy the evidence here:

Gen 5:3 And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth.

Now why did Moses write this verse like that? Why, to draw to our attention the fact that Seth was made in Adam's own likeness, after his own image, but why make special reference to that? What other image could Eve have born in her womb, if it was not in Adam's image and in his likeness! Well obviously, this verse is telling us, without actually saying it, that of the two sons Cain and Abel, Abel now deceased, only one of them was in Adam's image and in his likeness - Abel. Elsewhere in the Holy Scriptures it tells us that Seth is a child born to Adam and Eve to take Abel's place:

Gen 4:25 And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew.

So this means that from Adam we have Abel (murdered) and then Seth who begat Enos, who begat Cainan, who begat Mahalaleel, who begat Jared, who begat Enoch, who begat Methuselah, who begat Lamech and who begat Noah. So there we have it, the Sethitic line from Adam to Noah.

Moving on again, I will now copy here what it says in documents known as the Aramaic Targum(s). Those of you not familiar with these writings, Aramaic Targums are ancient Jewish writings dating from around the time of the Jews captivity in Babylon, so this means they date from around 550 BC. In general these writings are blasphemous in their content and I would not recommend them to Christian brothers and sisters at all. Having said that we cannot conclude that everything written therein is error for Truth can be found in the most unlikely of places e.g. the caves where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. OK, so here is the writing:

And Adam knew that his wife Eve had conceived from Sammael the angel (of death) and she became pregnant and bore Cain. And she said: "I have got a man from the angel of the LORD."

Now here we can plainly see this verse has a completely different narrative altogether, and it also begins to make some sense. The name Sammael can mean several things: accuser, seducer, destroyer, which are all names of the Devil. From the Wikipedia we get 'Sam' meaning poison and 'el' meaning God - the poison of God and hence the serpent. We also know that the Devil was always going to try and thwart the Lord's plans for his pinnacle of creation - mankind. We are, after all, made in His image and what better way to thwart that plan than by literally polluting The Lord's creation by intercourse with His creation, Eve. Notice how Eve's statement has changed and the naïvety of her KJV statement revealed for what it is - meaningless nonsense.

Returning to the KJV, notice, too, how Eve is known as the "mother of all living" but Adam is not known as the 'father of all living':

Gen 3:20 And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.

The word 'was' here should more accurately be translated 'was to become' and of course she did become the mother of all living but Adam is nowhere known as the 'father of all living'. This then tells us that Eve sired children from another source other than Adam, and, of course, that source was the Devil.

If we now return to Genesis 4:1-2 we can then see that after Eve conceived Cain she then bare Abel but it doesn't say how long the interval between the two conceptions was, so as I said earlier some commentators say Cain and Abel were twins, others that Abel followed swiftly nine months later. Either way they were of a similar age and grew up together, one, Abel, being a keeper of sheep and the other, Cain, a tiller of the ground.

The story then continues with Cain's infamous wicked act of murdering his half-brother, but what was behind this act? All will be revealed in part three.

Did Eve Have Sex With the Devil Or Did She Just Eat Some Fruit? - Part 2 - Cain and Abel

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Friday, December 9, 2011

Mantis 4222-00-02 Tiller Aerator Attachment

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Cuts into the soil under your lawn with four sets of tempered steel "knives," to permit easy absorption of water, oxygen and nutrients. - Cuts thousands of tiny slits to encourage new growth. - Reduces soil compaction to let in air and water to promote beneficial soil microorganisms. - Aerate before spot seeding.

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Care In Use Of Tiller

!: Care In Use Of Tiller

Small But important Tool Garden Tiller

A small tiller with a 2 HP machine is a useful tool for a home gardener. This small but versatile tool can be used for many purposes in your home garden. After winter. the soil is compacted by the action of snow. This makes the soil unsuitable for planting anything and needs to be tilled before any planting can be done.

Other countries of the world use animals for tiling but since we in the USA do not use the traditional power even for smaller gardens. the tiller is a good equipment to have even for a smaller gardener. The tillers break up the hardened soil and the planting of seeds becomes easier and plants grow better.

Care In Use Of Tiller

Before you start using your newly acquired tiller in your garden. you must do some homework on your garden especially if you are new to the area. You should find out the following before start using garden tillers:

- Location of the utility lines and power lines. The utility lines like water lines and drains may be passing through your garden. If such is the case. you might inadvertently damage these lines causing inconvenience to many persons.

- The power lines may cause even more damage to the area near you house and your own safety may be endangered by your action

- A tiller can be used with a person following a tiller or in case of large tillers riding the tiller. In such cases. it is imperative that you have read the manufacturer's instructions regarding safe use of machine. Follow these instructions to the letter. never allow your confidence (or rather overconfidence) to overpower you and operate till in an unsafe way.

- The tillers are to be used only for breaking up the compacted soil and it is not to be used as a power machine to remove large boulders from your garden. Any attempt to do so may land you in hospital as the entire tiller may turn turtle and injure you.

- Tillers are good for de-weeding after the crop comes up. In this case use the tiller with the lowest power to make sure that you do not damage the crop. Do not dig deep at this time otherwise; the results would not be as intended.

- Do not leave the tiller unattended. especially when children are around. A tiller not properly controlled can seriously injure a person. It can also cause death sometimes. A tiller can cause injury by taking you along with tiller just as floor polishers do.

If you rent the tiller and do not know the safety instructions. it is better to a contractor to till your garden. This way your work can be done at lower cost and much quicker. This way you will not put yourself to risk and at the same time. your work will be completed.

A tiller does the work of a plow but a tiller is not a plow. A tiller can turn the soil in such a way that new soil is exposed for to elements and when you apply water to your garden . the crop can take advantage of the new soil to grow fast.

Care In Use Of Tiller

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Earthwise TC70001 11-Inch 8-1/2 Amp Electric Tiller/Cultivator

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Brand : Earthwise
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Post Date : Nov 02, 2011 18:09:52
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Earthwise 8-1/2 amp electric tiller - cultivator. Dual 4 blade steel tines has a cutting width of 11-Inches and tilling depth of 8 1/2-Inch. Perfect to meet your gardening needs.

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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Till Even the Toughest Soil With a Tow Behind Tiller

Tillers are power tools that need to be treated with respect, even a large pull behind tiller. Everyone will agree that it is important to be very careful when operating certain pieces of gas-powered machinery such as a chainsaw or hedge trimmers. The problem is that many people do not feel that it is necessary to lump the tiller in with those very dangerous tools. The fact is that even a tow behind tiller can cause you or bystanders serious injury or even death. In this article we are going to cover a lot of the most important safety tips when operating a small hand-held tiller or even a pull behind tiller in your garden.

Every time you buy any type of tool you should read the manual cover to cover. If you look for one that was put up for sale in the paper or online you may not receive a manual. If this happens you can go online and retrieve the manual from the manufacturer or dealer site. A tiller is no exception to this rule. You should familiarize yourself with all of the features, controls and buttons on the machine so that you know the wonderful things that it can do and also the parts that you can be harmed by. Prior to every use you need to inspect your tiller for excess wear and tear or damage. This should be done long before you even turn it on because depending on what is wrong with the machine it may be too late once it is started.

Tiller Parts

Leave all of the guards on your tiller to ensure safe operation. Designers create these guards to prevent you from being injured by flying dirt, debris or rocks. Along the same lines of safety from flying debris, you should always wear the right clothing while operating your tiller. At a minimum you should wear goggles, gloves and long clothing.

Till Even the Toughest Soil With a Tow Behind Tiller

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Never alter your machine in any way. The manufacturer has a reason for putting things together the way they do and any manipulation can cause damage to the machine or the operator. There are a number of websites that claim to be able to tell you how to build a pull behind tiller, which is a bad idea. If you want this type of machine then that is the type that you need to buy. Trying to save money by purchasing a different kind and trying to alter it to become a pull behind one is dangerous and irresponsible.

Gardening is a wonderful hobby that can be relaxing and enjoyable, provided it is done in a safe manner. We like to use tools such as pull behind tillers to save us time and effort and make the activity more fun. This all goes away if you get hurt, so learn the right ways to operate your tiller and you will never run into problems.

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Monday, March 21, 2011

Tips For Getting a Good-Used Garden Tiller

Getting a good used garden tiller is actually more complicated than deciding which new tiller (or tillers as the Case may be,) would be the best buy. The only motivation that generally Drives the search for a used garden tiller is price, especially if you're looking for a full size garden tiller. But, you have to consider more than just the initial price. Over time you could end up spending more for a used garden tiller than a new one.

The first and usually most difficult determination to make is how well maintained the current owner has kept his garden tiller. Looks can be deceiving. Maintenance and care make all the difference between a good deal or not on any used machine. Was it used only within the parameters that it was manufactured for or did the owner get "creative" with its use? Was it properly over-wintered or left out in the elements?

Tiller Parts

Certain things will stand out in this regard. If it generally looks beat up, you may not have to look much further to determine what kind of shape it's in. However, there are a couple of things to consider. While it may look well used, if the garage sale price is making it almost irresistible to pass up, examine the actual working parts to see what kind of shape they're in. Are the tines straight? Can they be sharpened? Are the bushings rotten or have they been regularly greased? For a gas powered tiller, check the spark plug; see if the engine starts right up. Check the handle fittings to make sure they're sound. A handle replacement can be expensive and may be more than you want to spend. If that all checks out and it's manufactured by a reputable company, then despite some exterior body rust and rock dents, it may indeed be a good buy.

Tips For Getting a Good-Used Garden Tiller

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The other consideration is your own mechanical skills. If you're a fix-it do-it-yourself type with the appropriate array of tools to work on a garden tiller, then buying a couple really cheap used garden tillers might be an option, so long as they're made by the same manufacturer and are compatible models. My neighbor is a garage sale junky. He's rebuilt more than one tiller by combining the best parts of several that he got really cheap. The end products were good reliable garden tillers.

There is one type of used garden tiller that is rarely a good buy used and that's a compact or mini-tiller, especially if it's electric. They're inexpensive enough to make it almost never worth buying used. There are exceptions, of course. I had an elderly acquaintance whose husband died unexpectedly in his sleep. He was one of those people who was very particular about his tools. He always purchased the best ones and kept them in excellent condition. When his widow got ready to sell the house and move in with her daughter, his tools went like hotcakes at the garage sale, and I can guarantee that every one of them was a good buy. So, these situations do come up, but they're few and far between.

In general, getting a good used garden tiller is a challenge, mostly because serious gardeners buy their tillers for the long haul. They maintain them and use them for years and years until the tiller starts getting too expensive to repair and maintain. By that time, it's only good for the recycler. Even then, often the owners are reluctant to get rid of them. So, it boils down to this: unless you're fortunate enough to have found an exceptionally good deal, or skilled enough to make any deal work for you, it's usually more prudent to invest in a good new one.

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سورة الحديد 57 القارئ الشيخ: الغامدي سعد Qur'an, Saad Al-Ghamdi تلاوة وترجمة القرآن الكريم بعدة لغات: العربية, الإنكليزية, الفرنسية, التايلاندية, البنغالية, الصينية, الإندونيسية, الألمانية, الصربية, الروسية, الألبانية, الكورية, الأسبانية وجميع لغات العالم Quran and actingOnline cc translation in Arabic, English, French, Thai, Bengali, Chinese, Indonesian, German, Serbian, Russian, Albanian, Korean, Spanish and all languages. للتواصل معنا:

Tags: islam, Quran, Recitation, Translation, cc, Arabic, English, French, Thai, Bengali, Chinese, Indonesian, German, Russian, Albanian, Korean, Spanish, Qur'an, language, Saad, Al-Ghamdi, العربية, الإنكليزية, الفرنسية, التايلاندية, الصينية, الإندونيسية, الألمانية, الروسية, الكورية, الأسبانية, الاسلام, الإسلام, ترجمة, قران, كريم, سعد, الغامدي, الحديد, 57, Al-Hadid

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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mini Tiller

A tiller is piece of lawn equipment that is used to rotate dirt in a garden so that you can plant seeds to grow fruit and vegetables. Most people buy one to be used in their garden but landscape companies also use them to remove grass and to tear out weeds. You can buy one for under 0.00 dollars and you have the option of purchasing an electric or gas mini tiller.

Practical Use
Use your new mini tiller for garden projects around your home. This tool will break up sod and till the dirt. If you like working in your garden, you can use a it to help you prepare the soil so that you can plant the seeds in your garden. It would take you hours to try to do this by hand so this is why it is a good idea to buy and use a tiller to complete the task.

Tiller Parts

What are the benefits of buying a mini tiller? First, tillers have more digging power than what you can do by hand. The four-stoke engine is powerful and it starts very fast. You will find your new tiller to be light weight and inexpensive. Take into consideration that you can also rent a tiller for a once a year project.

Mini Tiller

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Styles and Types
Get ready to purchase a mini tiller that will meet your budget because you can purchase a gas or an electric tiller. A gas tiller is used for jobs under 300 square feet. They are also louder and heavier than the electric model. Purchase the electric tiller for jobs that are close to an electrical outlet. This tiller is very light weight and you do not have to buy gas or pull a string to start it. The electric tiller does not perform as well as the gas model but it can get the job done. Keep the cord away from the machine while working.

The Bottom Line
Determine what kind of tiller you will need. Also, find out how much money you can afford to spend on your new tiller. Take your time and do research and ask tiller salesmen questions about what tillers are the best to use for your project.

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